Hidden Treasures: Organizing And Inventorying A Coin Collection For Sale

Do you have a large coin collection that you are looking to sell? Selling a coin collection can be a difficult task, especially if the collection was inherited or gifted and you are unsure of the value, types, or even quantity of coins that you have on your hands. Many people in this situation opt to simply bundle up all the coins and bring them to a local dealer or pawn ship.

3 Tips For Financial Planning After Winning A Large Sum Of Money

Winning a large sum of money is the dream of most people, but when it happens, many people mismanage their money and may find themselves worse off. If you ever win money, there are several strategies to live a nice lifestyle while making sure the money lasts as long as possible. Invest In Professionals Before you spend any of your money, there are several professionals you should consider as members of your financial team.

It's All About The Future: Why You Need An Investment Counselor

When it comes to investing, you’ve got a lot to consider. In today’s economy, you can’t afford to postpone retirement planning. In fact, you should start planning for your retirement as soon as you enter the workforce. Investing your money from the very beginning will ensure a better nest egg once you’re ready to retire. If you haven’t started working with an investment counselor, it’s not too late. It’s never too late to get some sound advice about your investment accounts.

5 Things You Need To Understand About How Your Mortgage Payment Works

If you want to purchase a home, pretty soon you will be making a mortgage payment. Your mortgage payment goes to a variety of different expenses and funds, and those payments work together towards paying off your home and protecting your investment. Loan Interest When you make your monthly mortgage payment, a portion of your payment will go towards the interest on your loan. The interest is essentially the money that the bank is making on your loan.

Three Things You Must Know About SBA Loans Before Applying For One

There are many ways you can obtain capital for your business, but getting loans through the Small Business Administration (SBA) is one of the best options because the low interest rates and long repayment times makes them the most affordable. However, here are three things you need to know about SBA loans that could help you better manage the process and increase your chances of getting approved for funding. The SBA is the Guarantor, Not the Lender